═══ 1. General Help ═══ This programm will help you to manage all your files. It reads from any media supported by OS/2. You can enter type, group and comments for every disk and file. Searching for files or descriptions is possible with wildcards. Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program F1 was selected. For instance, you receive help for the Save Button on the Toolbar when you highlight Save and press F1. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main Help window if there are no other help windows. There is Help available for the OS2CAT- Main Window. ═══ 2. Distribution ═══ Here it is: OS2CAT V1.0 ! It is not as good as I wanted to make it, but now I think it is worth to be called V1.0. I'm sorry but I really didn't had more time because I must do my studying too. Please check my ToDo-List below, to see what I want to add to the next versions. I will translate this version to german in the next months (after my exam). OS2CAT may be freely distributed provided that the entire archive remains intact. Shareware distributors may not charge more than $5 (DM8,-) (including shipping) for this software package. The following files are contained in the OS2CAT archive: os2cat.exe - OS2CAT executable os2cat.hlp - OS2CAT Help-file read.me - information versions.txt - list of changes test.cat - catalog-example The last version will allways be available on hobbes.nmsu.edu . There is also a WWW-Homepage for OS2CAT and other OS2-Shareware where you can find the last versions and other information. ═══ 3. Help for Disk-Window ═══ The disk window is the main program window. All activities are started from here. This window can be divided into three parts. o Tool-Bar o Disk-Container o Status-Bar ═══ 3.1. Disk-Container ═══ The big object in the middle of the disk-window is the disk-container. In this Container the cataloged disks are shown with Title, Description, Volume, Type, Group, Date, Size, and count of files. The Title is used as key, so remember that you can not save two disks with the same title (though multiple volume entries are possible). There is a popup-menu available for the disk-container. So if you click the second mouse-button you will get functions to sort the disks, to change the view, or to edit the entries. If you doubleclick on one disk the file-window with all files found on this disk will be shown. You can change the Title, Volume, Description, Type and Group of disks using the mouse. Place the mouse cursor on the field that you want to change, hold the [ALT]-Key and click the first mouse button. A small Edit-Field will appear where you can change the contents. Clicking with any mousebutton on another place will close this editfield and save your changes. There is another possibility to change all disk-information: see Change Disk-Info You can tag one entry in this disk-container by clicking with first mouse-button on the required disk. If you need multiple selected disks for deleting or printing, you can hold [Ctrl]-Button and click at all disks you need. Also you can drag your mouse over all wanted disks while holding the first mouse-button down. ═══ 3.2. The Toolbar ═══ The Toolbar allows you to start functions with only one mouseclick. All functions from the Toolbar are also available from the main Menu , and many of them can be started with Keyboard-Shortcuts. o New Catalog... o Open Catalog... o Save Catalog... o Print... o Exit... o Read Disk... o Delete Disk... o Disk Filter... o Change Disk Info... o Find Files... o Tag all Files... o Untag all Files... ═══ 3.3. Statusbar ═══ The Status-Bar is always visible on the bottom of the disk-window. It gives you statistic information about your catalog. On the left side in the first line you can see the count of catalogued, visible and tagged disks. The second line shows the free disk-space on your disks. On the right side there are equivalents for file-count and used disk-space. The Status-Bar is updated every time you change the selection of disks. ═══ 3.4. Main-Menu ═══ The main-menu allows to call some additional functions not available from the Toolbar. To the access menu, press [ALT]-and underlined key. On the right side of the menu there are Shortcuts for this functions. Using this keys you can start this action directly from everywhere in OS2CAT. ═══ 3.4.1. File-Submenu ═══ From this submenu you can create new catalogs, load existing and save catalogs. Import and Export to other files and printing is possible too. ═══ New ═══ By selecting New you can create a new catalog. The Program will ask you to save the old one if you changed it. This function is also executed every time you select Open. It performs deletion of all disks from the disk-catalog. Then the list of Types and Groups are deleted, so you can start to load new disks. ═══ Open ═══ Here you can open existing catalog-files. The standard OS2-Open-File-Dialog will be shown, where you can select a file. OS2CAT always looks for *.cat files, but you can change the extension if you like. ═══ Save ═══ This lets you save the catalog you are editing. If the file name is [noname] then you will be asked to enter a filename. While loading the catalog-file the list of types and groups are set. Then all loaded disks are shown in the disk-container. To change the name of the catalog you can start Save As ... ═══ SaveAs ═══ When starting this function the OS2-Save-Dialog will appear where you can select a directory and enter a file name. A file will be created with the selected name and the edited catalog will be saved in this file. ═══ Import Description ═══ There are many File-Formats having information about files (DESCRIPT.ION, FILES.BBS, etc.). With this function you can import descriptions from this files to OS2CAT. OS2CAT scans the file for filenames existing in the catalog. If there are files in the catalog without a description, then the file-description is added to the catalog. ═══ Export Textfile ═══ Here you can save your catalog in another format. All tagged disks will be saved with the selected format. ═══ Select Printer ═══ This menu item will show the PrintSelect dialog where you can select printer and change print-settings. ═══ Print ═══ From here you can start the Print dialog to send data to your printer. ═══ Exit ═══ Selecting Exit will end the program. If you made changes to the catalog you will be asked to save the file before you quit. ═══ 3.4.2. Edit-Submenu ═══ Here you can add disks to the catalog and delete them. You can search for files, change disk-information and filter and tag/ untag all disks. ═══ NewDisk ═══ If you want to catalog a new disk, you have to start this function. The Disk-Read Dialog, will be shown, where you can select a drive letter and directory. All files from this directory then will be added to the catalog. ═══ DeleteDisk ═══ This function will delete all selected disks. You will be asked to confirm the deletion in the Diks-Delete Dialog. ═══ FilterDisk ═══ In the disk-catalog disks are only shown if they match the settings in the Filter-Dialog. You can set the Volumename, Description, Type, Group, Used, Free, Files, Date, Floppy as Disk-Filter. ═══ ChangeInfo ═══ In addition to change the disk-infos directly in the container ([ALT]+ Click with first-mousekey), you can make changes in the Change-Info Dialog. ═══ FindEntry ═══ From here you can start the find-function after telling OS2CAT in the Find-Dialog what to search for. All found file-entries will be shown in a File-Window called Search-Window. ═══ TagEntrys ═══ With this function you can select all disk-entries. Selecting is needed for export and printing. ═══ UntagEntrys ═══ The selection of all disk-entries is removed. ═══ 3.4.3. Options-Submenu ═══ These are functions not available from other menus. At this time there are only Settings. ═══ Settings ═══ This Menu opens the Settings-Dialog. All Settings of OS2CAT (position/ size of windows, options, filters etc.) are saved every time you quit the program and restored at any start. This data will be written to the OS2CAT.INI file that will be placed in the same directory where the executable is located. So if you move OS2CAT.EXE to another directory, be sure to move the INI-file too or all your settings will be lost. ═══ 3.4.4. Help Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Help pull-down to display detailed help. ═══ Help Index ═══ Displays the index of help menu. ═══ General Help ═══ Provides detailed information on the different kinds of help available in OS2CAT. ═══ Using Help ═══ Displays some information about how to use Help. ═══ Keys ═══ This is a list of used keys. F1 Accelerator for Get help F3 Accelerator for Exit this program F2 Accelerator for Save [CTRL] + "o" Accelerator for Open [CTRL] + "p" Accelerator for Print [CTRL] + "n" Accelerator for Read Disk [STRG] + "d" Accelerator for Delete Disk [STRG] + "i" Accelerator for Filter [STRG] + "c" Accelerator for Change Info [STRG] + "f" Accelerator for Find File ═══ About ═══ This shows the About-Dialog where you can see the actual Version of OS2CAT. ═══ Register ═══ If you want to register OS2CAT please enter the registration code in the Registration Dialog. ═══ 3.5. The Disk-Popup-Menu ═══ This Popup-Menu will be shown if you click the second mouse-button on the disk-container. From here you can start some disk related functions quickly. ═══ 3.5.1. The View-Submenu ═══ You can change the view of the disk-container here. There are four different views, showing more or less details of the disk-entries. Select Detail-View to show all available information. ═══ Icon-View ═══ This view shows only the Icon and the Title of the disk. The Icons are sorted from left to right in the container. ═══ Name-View ═══ In the Name-View only Icon and Title are shown. They are sorted top-down. ═══ Text-View ═══ Text-View allows you to show maximum count of disks in the container, because only the Title is shown. ═══ Detail-View ═══ The Detail-View shows all available data. This is Title | Description || Volume | Type | Group | Used | Free | Files | Date | Floppy In this view you can scroll up/down and left/right to show invisible information. Also there is a seperator between Description and Volume. It can be moved by dragging with the mouse to change the size of the two window parts. You can change Title, Volume, Description, Type and Group using [ALT]+ [first mouse-button]. There will be shown a small editline, where you can change data. To save the changes you can click on any other disk-entry, press [ESCAPE] to abort editing. ═══ 3.5.2. The Sort-Submenu ═══ From the Sort-Submenus you can change the order of the disk-entries. Allmost all of the datailed-view data can be selected as sort order. ═══ Sort by Title ═══ The container sort is performed by Title using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Volume ═══ The container sort is performed by Volume using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Group ═══ The container sort is performed by Group using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Type ═══ The container sort is performed by Type using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Used ═══ The container sort is performed by the amount of used space. ═══ Sort by Free ═══ The container sort is performed by the amount of free space. ═══ Sort by Files ═══ The container sort is performed by the amount of files. ═══ Sort by Date ═══ The container sort is performed by the disk-date. ═══ Sort by Floppy ═══ The container sort is performed by the type of media. ═══ Reverse Sort ═══ Here you can reverse the sort of the container. The smaller values will then be shown at the end of the list. ═══ 4. Help for FileWindow ═══ This window will be opened if you doubleclick an entry in the disk-container or start a search for a file. It shows all the files found on one disk or the files matching your find-options. File-entries are shown here in the file-container. You can call the file-popup-menu using the second mouse-button. ═══ 4.1. File-Container ═══ In the file-container the file-entries are shown in the selected view and order. To change the view and order you can call the file-popup-menu using the second mouse-button. ═══ 4.2. The File-Popup-Menu ═══ This menu is shown if you click with the second mouse button on the file-container. Here you can change the view- and sort-settings for this container. ═══ 4.2.1. The View-Submenu ═══ You can change the view of a file-container selecting one of the two menu-items. The Detail-View is set as default. ═══ Text-View ═══ The container-entries are shown only by the filename. This view allows you to see many entries at once. ═══ Detail-View ═══ This shows the complete file-information. In addition to the filename you can see description, size, attributes, date, time, directory and volume. The description can be changed for each file using [ALT] + [first mousebutton]. ═══ 4.2.2. The Sort-Submenu ═══ From here you can change the order of the entries shown in the container. All file-data is available as sort-order in this submenu. ═══ Sort by Filename ═══ The container sort is performed by filename using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Extension ═══ The container sort is performed by file-extension using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Size ═══ The container sort is performed by the file-size. ═══ Sort by Time ═══ The container sort is performed by the file-creation date and time. ═══ Sort by Directory ═══ The container sort is performed by directory using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Type ═══ The container sort is performed by Type using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Group ═══ The container sort is performed by Group using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ Sort by Title ═══ The container sort is performed by Title using case sensitive, alphabetical order. ═══ 5. Help for Dialogs ═══ Here you can select Help for all Dialogs. ═══ 5.1. Delete-Entry ═══ This dialog will be presented if you selected delete entries. All disks you want to delete are shown in the selected-entry- list box. They are selected automatically, so if you press [OK] all this disks will be deleted. If you don't want to delete some disks you can deselect them clicking with the mouse or using [SPACE]. Using [CANCEL] the delete-process will be aborted. ═══ 5.2. Printer Settings ═══ With OS2CAT it is possible to use all available printers. In this dialog you can select the printer-queue where the output will be sent to. If you want to change printer-settings you can do this by selecting the [Settings]-Button. ═══ 5.3. About OS2CAT ═══ In this dialog you can see information about OS2CAT. Also the copyright and the author's adress are shown here. Select [OK] to exit this dialog. ═══ 5.4. Settings disk-details ═══ You can set disk-information invisible if you unselect the entire Check-Button. The unselected information will not be deleted, it is only hidden from the container. The settings will not take effect immediatly. You must restart OS2CAT to see the changed container. ═══ 5.5. Settings file-details ═══ You can set file-information invisible if you unselect the entire Check-Button. The unselected information will not be deleted, it is only hidden from the container. The settings will not take effect in the open file-container. You must reopen the container to see the changes. ═══ 5.6. Settings find-details ═══ You can set find-information invisible if you unselect the entire Check-Button. The unselected information will not be deleted, it is only hidden from the container. The settings will not take effect if the find-container is open. You must reopen it to see the changes. ═══ 5.7. Disk-Filter ═══ The filter-dialog allows you to specify the visible disks. For example if you select the type Grafik, you can hide all disks having set another type than Grafik. If you specify more than one option all this options will be combined with the and- operator. Title, Volume and Description can be defined with wildcards using ? and *. Type and group can be selected from dropdown-lists. Used, free and files can be changed using spin-buttons. You can also enter the values using the keyboard. The used and free values are interpreted as kBytes ( *1024 ). Selecting the radiobutton less you can change the comparison from > to <. Date can also be changed with the keyboard or with spin-buttons. To use spin-buttons select the desired field (e.g. day) and then change the value using [UP], [DOWN]- Keys or the mouse. You can select the radio-buttons before, after, at defining the entered day as last, first or one and only day of the shown entries. To show all disk of a specific media-type you can select an entry in the floppy-list. ═══ 5.8. Read Disk ═══ In this dialog you can select the drive and directory to be added to the catalog. In the disk-dropdown-list you can select a drive from all drives supported by OS2. The directory-list shows all the subdirectories for the selected directory. The selected directory that will be read when you press [OK] is shown in the "Read files from"-line. You can change directories in the directory-list. Checking file-include you can specify files to be read from disk. If this option is checked only files matching this wildcards will be cataloged. Checking file-exclude you can specify files not to be read from disk. If this option is checked the files matching this wildcards will not be cataloged. Autolabel allows you to create volume-labels while cataloging new disks. If autolabel is checked you can see the volume-label that will be written to the next disk that you will select to catalog. ═══ 5.9. Find Files ═══ From here you can start the file-search. You can enter a filename or wildcard and specify where to seach this string. Selecting [OK] will show the find-window listing all found files. You can enter the search-string in the Search-text entry-field. Wildcards: ? and * are possible. They have the same meaning as in the DIR- command. So searching for "*?dos.sys" will find all following filenames: "msdos.sys", "pc-dos.sys", "dr_dos.sys" but not "dos.sys". If case-sensitive is checked only files will be found that match the wildcards case-sensitive. Checking the radio-buttons All, Visible, Selected allows you to search for files in all, only the visible or only the selected disk-entries. Checking Filename will search for the string in the filename. Checking Description will search for the string in the description. Checking Directory will search for the string in the directory. ═══ 5.10. Start print ═══ From this dialog you can start the printing. You can choose which part of data should be printed and select Print. Checking All entries will print all files from the actual catalog. Checking Visible entries will only print the files on the visible disk-entries. Checking Selected entries will only print the files on the selected disk-entries. The output on the printer will be like this: Disk-Title1 Disk-Attribs Disk-Description Filename1 File-Attribs FileDescr Filename1 File-Attribs FileDescr Disk-Title2 Disk-Attribs Disk-Description Filename1 File-Attribs FileDescr Filename1 File-Attribs FileDescr ═══ 5.11. Check Title ═══ This dialog appears if you selected a new disk for the catalog when the same Title already exists in the catalog. You can change the title here. After selecting [OK] the disk will be saved with the changed title. Selecting [CANCEL] will abort the disk loading. ═══ 5.12. Check Volume ═══ This dialog appears if you selected a new disk for the catalog when the same disk-volume already exists in the catalog. Selecting New catalog entry will add this disk to the catalog without changing the volume, so there will be one more disk containing this volume. Another possibility to hold both, the old and the new disk is to rename the new one. Checking Change Volume and changing the volume to the new value will do this. Selecting Overwrite disk will delete the old disk, trying to hold the descriptions and type/group for the files if there are files with the same name on the old and the new disks. So if you make changes to one of your disks you can reread and overwrite your old one. You will not lose any descriptions. Selecting Append to disk will add the new files to the disk-entry, so the old files will be shown together with the new ones. This option must be used when reading not the whole contents but directories from a drive. Selecting [CANCEL] will abort the loading. ═══ 5.13. Registration-Form ═══ Here you can enter the registration data that you received from the author. Please remember to enter the right data-especially version and date. You will find this on the registration form that you will receive from the author when you register. If all entered data is correct it will be written to the INI-file, so you can use it in the following versions without having to enter them twice. See Restrictions to get more information about the shareware-version and registration. ═══ 5.14. Change Disk-Info ═══ This dialog is another view of the disk-container. From here you can see all information depending on a specific disk and change all changeable data. The Info- area shows diskdata that can not be changed. From the Title-dropdown-list you can select the title that you want to see. To change the title you can edit the old or enter a new one and then select [Write changes]. To change the volume you can enter the changes directly. To change the type or group of a disk you can select one from the corresponding dropdown-list or enter a new one directly. You can edit the description in the multiline-entryfield. Please don't forget to select [Write changes] if you want to save your changes. To exit this dialog select [CANCEL]. ═══ 5.15. Auto-Label ═══ In the Autolabel-dialog you can define the creation flags for the autolabel-function. Using this "volume", "begin", "digits" and "step by" OS2CAT will then create volumes. In the Volume- line you can enter up to 10 characters. These will be used as the first part of the new volumes. Begin defines the number to start the volume creation. If a volume with this number already exists it will be automaticly increased to the next unused number. Changing Digits you can alter the length of the second part of the volume. So if you set digits to 4 and volume is "test" and begin is 10 then the first volume will be "test0010". Using Step by you can define the number to be added to "begin" to get the next volume. [CANCEL] will close this dialog and disable the Autolabel-function. ═══ 5.16. Included Files ═══ In this dialog you can define files you want to be cataloged. This files are shown in the list. To insert a new file you can enter one in the editfield and select [NEW]. You can use wildcard ("*" and "?") in the filenames. The wildcards are the same as in DIR or COPY of OS2 / DOS. To delete a line from the list, select it and press [DELETE]. [OK] activates the file-inclusion, [CANCEL] closes this dialog without activating this function. ═══ 5.17. Excluded Files ═══ In this dialog you can define files you want to be excluded from the catalog. This files are shown in the list. To insert a new file you can enter one in the editfield and select [NEW]. You can use wildcard ("*" and "?") in the filenames. The wildcards are the same as in DIR or COPY of OS2 / DOS. To delete a line from the list, select it and press [DELETE]. You can also define exclude-attributes. Files having one of the selected attribute set, will be excluded from the catalog, too. [OK] activates the file-exclusion, [CANCEL] closes this dialog without activating this function. ═══ 5.18. Set Options ═══ Here you can change some program settings. If Autoset Type and Group is checked then the type and group of all new disks will automaticly set to the type and group of the disk that is currently selected. So if disk "TEST01" is selected, the type of this disk is "Tools" and the group is "OS2" then every new cataloged disk will have the type "Tools" and the group "OS2". Show action dialog enables the dialog showing the progress of fileload and other actions. If Fast Read and Write is checked the data-file of OS2CAT will be saved in another, safer and faster format. But it will also take much more place on your HD (3 times more). Please turn this Option on if you think that saving and loading is too slow, or any errors occure while saving or loading *.CAT files. With Init type you can define, what value the disk-title will get, when reading new disks. nothing will ask you every time to enter the Title. volume-name sets the title to the volume-name. serial-nr sets the title to serial-number of the Disk. ═══ 6. Versions ═══ This project started in August 1994. I decided to learn a little bit about OS2-programming, so I bought the book "OS2-Programmierung" from "Langenkamp" and "Bredno" and started with the PM-Hello program in Borland C++ 1.0. Some weeks later I was able to understand most lines of that program. I started to change some parts to see the difference. This way I learned most elementary about PM-programming. Since then I used some hundred hours in coding OS2CAT. I think now it's time to release Version 1.0. Here you can see what changes I made after the first release: V0.9 1.2 fixed: - serialnumber as Title - Printer selection - registration added: - german version 1.1 fixed: - disk-sorting added: - fast write and read (Options) 1.0 fixed: - many, many small bugs nobody noticed - CheckVol-Dlg call - error detection when loading files - sorting after volume- change changed: - wildcard file-searching - wildcard disk-filter added: - !!! Online- HELP !!! - !!! simple Printing (buggy ?) !!! - ! OS2CAT.INI File ! - saving size, position, views, sort options - Submenu "edit" to the Disk-PopupMenu - Hotkeys in the dialogs - Disk-Title - File- Type/Group - Hide Details in Disk- /File-container 0.99 fixed: - "autolabel" prozessing - disksorting after rename - rename to existing volume - diskcounting after multiple delete - searching files added: - file loading at startup - sorting and text-view in file container - registration functions - include/ exlude files - DiskLoad Dlg allows selection of any drive/ directory - append to volume that allready exists when loading - save size and Seperator of Disk- and File Window - Settings- Dialog - change Disk- Infos from dialog 0.91 - fixed disc counting - fixed 1024x768 graphics mode ═══ 7. ToDo-List ═══ The following things I want to add to the next version of OS2CAT. If you also have ideas, please let me know. o read ZIP, ARJ, LZH o EA- Read, Write o find duplicate-files o changing file-info in a dlg (like disk-info) o variable print-settings: create, save and load templates with font drag and drop o import, export with templates o drop drives and directories on OS2CAT to read o save fonts and colors of windows o delete, hide files from file-container o global file-filter ═══ 8. Restrictions ═══ In the unregistered version of OS2CAT there is one thing you probably don't like. Every time you load your catalog-file there will be one entry added called "? OS2CAT !" to remind you of the shareware-concept. This disk-entries can't be deleted from the catalog until you register. There are no other restrictions in unregistered OS2CAT, so try it out and if you like it send me your name, adress and DM30,-and you will receive the registration code for one major version: if you register V1.2 your code will be valid for all update versions up to V2.2. ═══ 9. Registration ═══ IMPORTANT! Simple license statement for OS2CAT ! You are granted a license to try this shareware program for up to 14 days, after which you must register or discontinue its use. Permission is granted to redistribute the unaltered shareware archive for a reasonable (read nominal, small) copying charge. OS2CAT may specifically not be packaged with a book without requesting and obtaining permission (common courtesy). All rights are reserved by me, the author, Gottfried Koschel. There is NO warranty. Support is NOT guaranteed to unregistered users. When you register, you will receive the registration code for OS2CAT. This code disables the warning message and the !_OS2CAT_! entrys in the the disk-container. The registration fee is DM30,- / $30. Please try to register via BMT-Micro or Compuserve when you are not living in Europe. I decided not to send Disks to every registered user, until there are special requests, because the latest version of OS2CAT will be available on many BBS's , FTP-sides and on Compuserve. If you want to receive disks please add DM4,- for every disk and I will send you a the latest version on floppy- disk. There are two possibilities to register OS2CAT. 1. Send the registratioin form directly to the author. 2. Register via BMT-Micro , including Compuserve- or Credit-card paying. ═══ 9.1. Registration Form (direct) ═══ For registration, please send me Name, Adress, and if you want te receive disks- your floppy disk size (3.5" , 5.25"); Send this form to : Gottfried Koschel Bernerstrasse 22 91056 Erlangen Germany Registration form : FirstName : _____________________________ LastName : _____________________________ Adress : _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Registration fee : DM 30,- $30 cost for ___ disks * DM 4,- = DM ____ $4 = ____ total : DM _____ $ _____ ═══ 9.2. Registration Form (BMT-Micro) ═══ _____________________________________________________________________ OS2CAT _____________________________________________________________________ Mail Orders To : BMT Micro 452 Horn Road Wilmington, NC 28412-2411 U.S.A. Voice Orders : 9 : 00am - 7 : 00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders Only!) (910) 791-7052 (Orders, questions) Fax Orders : (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem : (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Ordering and general ordering questions : via Compuserve : Thomas Bradford, 74031,307 via Internet : orders@bmtmicro.com We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Optima, Diners Club, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Please do not send cash in the mail. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Each copy of the package includes the latest version of OS2CAT and a soft copy of the documentation on diskette. _____________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________ OS2CAT V1.0 $30.00 x ____ = $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit): + $ _______ Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US AirBorne Select Delivery Service USA Only.. $ 7.00 US (Next day most cities / 2 day others) US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 15.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) ........ $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 30.00 US Worldwide, any business with a valid FedEx account can charge shipping to their FedEx account and pay no shipping charges to us. Total : $ _______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | For credit card payment only | | | | Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners | | | | Credit card number: _____________________________________________ | | | | Expiration date: ________________________________________________ | | | | Authorization signature: ________________________________________ | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------